Variety The Children’s Charity

Variety The Children’s Charity

Seeley International is pleased that the Australian children’s charity of choice is currently Variety – the Children’s Charity, and we are a Major National partner of the iconic Variety Bash motoring events held across the country. The national not-for-profit organisation is committed to supporting Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or who have special needs to LIVE, LAUGH & LEARN. Variety has been helping kids be kids for over 40 years by providing practical equipment & experiences through Variety programs, and raising money through events such as the Variety Bash in each state, to help Australian children in need overcome whatever obstacles they face to live life to the fullest!

More about Variety – the Children’s Charity can be found at

The Emily & Scarlett story

“At Seeley International, we believe in the importance of helping others and give back to our community”
– Frank Seeley AM, DUniv Flin, FAICD