Seeley International’s commitment to our Dealer & Service network

Updated: 19/11/2020

The supply of products and spare parts for cooling, heating and ventilation are essential to maintaining the health of all Australians, as well as climate control for essential facilities, equipment and buildings.

With the everchanging conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Seeley International’s priority remains firmly fixed on ensuring the health and wellbeing of our team, dealers and customers. Our response plans are based on the ongoing guidance and most up-to-date advice of health authorities and Government departments.

While the latest South Australian COVID-19 measures may have some impact on operation, we are confident that Seeley International will continue to supply products, spare parts and servicing with minimal disruption. With Seeley’s manufacturing based in Lonsdale, South Australia, our supply chain is strong, and we are not experiencing extended stock shortages like businesses relying on overseas supply.

Service Technicians who are attending to cooling, heating and ventilation systems to keep Australians healthy at work and in their homes have been viewed as essential service workers during the COVID pandemic and should continue with this essential work.

  1. Customer booking process.

When booking in a service call, you may be asked these two simple questions.

Q 1. Are you or anyone in the house unwell, or in self isolation due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Q 2. Have you or anyone in the house had a COVID-19 test, and are awaiting the results?

Q 3. Have you or anyone in the house returned from overseas travel in the past 14 days?

If your answer is “no” – the call will be booked as normal.

If your answer is “yes” – you will need to make arrangements for a service visit with the service provider at a suitable date.

  1. Attending your property.
  • We will smile and be friendly but we will not shake hands.
  • We will wear a face mask.
  • We ask you to respect social distancing of minimum 1.5 meters from the technician at all times.
  • We ask you to advise the service provider if there has been any change to your circumstances at home.


  1. During the service and installation.
  • Should a service technician or installer need to enter your home, please lead them through the house and open doors along the path to the equipment that needs inspecting. This will limit the number of surfaces they touch.
  • Technicians will wear disposable gloves and use disinfectant or alcohol wipes to wipe down surfaces, equipment and other elements of the work environment.
  • Please remember to adhere to social distancing with technicians with at all times.


Seeley International is committed to a safe environment for our technicians and customers, so if you have any query about this update, please speak to your nearest local dealer – which can be found via our Find a Dealer section by clicking here.

Or if you want to book a service, please call 1300 650 644. or click here.


Kind regards,

Seeley International